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uTransfer is the solution!

All Systems Integration can help you create an integrated file delivery system that not only resolves the problems associated with current file transfer methods but also builds the foundation for integrated workflow automation. The system allows you to track, store, preflight and deliver annotated preflight reports and other useful information to your customer service, planning, estimating and production employees literally minutes after receiving files from your clients, without any human intervention. When systems are integrated properly and automation is introduced into the equation you can work more efficiently with fewer errors, saving valuable time and increasing profits while producing a higher quality product.

Minimize mistakes, route your files in a smart way, and save time by leveraging your automation today.

  • Receive any File

    a unique pURL to receive any files from a specific customer.

  • Receive Job Files

    a unique pURL to receive files for a specific job.

  • Forms

    Sender can fill out questions about the files to help automation.

  • Send Files

    Send your client files that are too big for email.

Realize the full potential of your data with autoFlow integrations

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