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autoFlow to the rescue!

When using a MIS/ERP system, you’ve already entered much of the job information as an estimate before receiving any files. Why not use that information to drive automation once the file arrives? We’ve developed autoFlow in such a way that we can connect your sources of information in order to leverage each source to its fullest potential while the file is processing through its various stages.

Datasources that have connection types such as ODBC, REST API, SOAP API can all be utilized.

Minimize mistakes, route your files in a smart way, and save time by leveraging your data today.

  • ePS PACE

    via Database / REST API

  • Print Smith Vision

    via REST API

  • Print IQ

    via REST API

  • EPMS

    via Database / REST API

  • MyOrderDesk

    via REST API

  • Your Database

    via ODBC

Realize the full potential of your data with autoFlow integrations

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